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Instructional Media for English Subject (Printed, Realia, Scale Model, Audio, Audio Visual, Board Game and Technology Media)


All praise and gratitude to the omnipotent Allah, because of His blessings and mercy the writer can complete a portfolio of instructional media on time. The author say many thanks to Mrs. Qudwatin Nisak, M.Ed, M.Pd for positive feedback, tips and guidance that has been given to the author during studying in instructional media class.
The following, author presents a portfolio with the title "Instructional Media for English Subject" which includes various types of media such as: Printed; Magazine, Realia; Alarm Clock, Scale Model; Ice Cream Shop, Audio; I Believe I can Flay song, Audio Visual; Hokey Pokey song, Board Game; WOW Game and Technology Media; Skype.
Hopefully this Instructional media portfolio can provide great benefits for us, especially for the English language teachers who have an important role in choosing the right media so that learning English becomes more effective and fun.
Through this introduction the author also wants to apologize if there is a shortage in this portfolio.
Banda Aceh, 12 June 2017

Instructional Media for English Subject
(Printed, Realia, Scale Model, Audio, Audio Visual, Board Game and Technology Media)
1.      Printed Media; Magazine
Description: C:\Users\User\Pictures\0.pngDescription: C:\Users\User\Pictures\6.png
Description: C:\Users\User\Pictures\5.pngDescription: C:\Users\User\Pictures\3.png
Description: C:\Users\User\Pictures\2.pngDescription: C:\Users\User\Pictures\1.png
School                        : Junior High School
Subject                       : English
Allocation Time          : 50 minutes
Grade/Semester         : IX
Themes                       : Young Australians Build Bridges between Islam and Christianity
Standard Competency   : Students will be able to read with good pronunciation and discuss the megazine
Teaching media             : Magazine
Teaching – Studying activities :
This media is used at main activity. However, teacher should give warming up first. On the opening stage, the teacher asked students about something that relate to the material that will be taught is about Young Australians Build Bridges between Islam and Christianity. In main section, first, teacher will separate students in 4 or 5 group. Then, ask one of students to read the materials which has been given. It will be repeated by another students in another group. Next, teacher will correct their pronunciation. Then teacher will ask their opinion about content of text and let them discuss with their group first. Next, teacher and students will discuss the material together. After that, the students will write on their note book about new words and sentences that they have read.
2.      Realia Media; Alarm clock
Description: D:\P_20170606_170732.jpg
School                        : Junior High School
Subject                       : English
Allocation Time         : 2 x 40 minutes
Grade/Semester         : VII
Themes                       : Read Time
Standard Competency   :
3.3 Identify social functions, text structures, and linguistic elements of transactional oral transactional interactions involving the giving and soliciting of information related to the day, month, time of day, time in the form of numbers, date, and year, in the context of their use. (Note the vocabulary with regard to cardinal and ordinal numbers).

4.3 Prepare very short and simple transactions of oral and written transactional interactions involving the act of giving and requesting information on the names of days, months, time names in days, times in numbers, dates, and years, with social functions, text structures, and linguistic elements Which is true and contextual.
Teaching media             : Alarm clock
Teaching – Studying activities :
This media is used during teaching learning process. On the opening stage, the teacher asked students about something that relate to the material that will be taught is about time name and time in number form. In main section, teacher will explain about time by writing it on the white board. Next, teacher will ask them about time one by one by using alarm clock.

3.      Scale Model Media

Description: D:\UIN\semester VI\im\P_20170603_085102.jpgDescription: D:\UIN\semester VI\im\P_20170603_085941.jpg
School                        : Junior High School
Subject                       : English
Allocation Time         : 40 x 2 minutes
Grade/Semester         : IX
Themes                       : story chain about “Go to the Ice Cream Shope”
Standard Competency   : Students will be able to continue the story based on their imagination
Teaching media             : Scale Model Media and Puppet as a helper media.
Teaching – Studying activities :
This media is used during the activity. On the opening stage, the teacher do greeting by puppet and tell students about the story by using puppet while scale model; ice cream shope as a object of story. Next, students will continue the story by using puppet and imagine they go to the ice cream shop. Then, for the end of story will be determined by the last of student and try to make it become happy ending.

4.      Audio Media
Description: C:\Users\User\Pictures\n.png
School                        : Senior High School
Subject                       : English
Allocation Time          : 50 minutes
Grade/Semester         : X
Themes                       : Increasing students ability in listening, vocabulary and pronunciation by using “I believe I can Fly song”
Standard Competency   : Students will be able to listen the song, remember the vocabulary and can sing the song with good pronunciation.
Teaching media             : “I believe I can fly” song
Teaching – Studying activities :
This media is used at the main activity. In main section, first, teacher will distribute the worksheet then give students the new vocabularies, make them remember it. Then teacher will play the song three time. After that students will check the worksheet together by listen the answer from teacher. Next, teacher will ask students the meaning so that the meaning of the song will be clear. Then teacher will ask one by one of students to sing verse by verse song. Then, teacher will correct their pronunciation and teach them abit about assimilation.

5.      Audio Visual Media
Description: D:\P_20170607_053842.jpgDescription: D:\P_20170607_053950.jpg
School                        : Junior High School
Subject                       : English
Allocation Time          : 50 minutes
Grade/Semester         : VII
Themes                       : Singing and dancing the Hokey Pokey song
Standard Competency   : Students will be able to remember the new vocabularies about Hokey Pokey song
Teaching media             : Hokey Pokey vidio
Teaching – Studying activities :
This media is used at main activity. On the opening stage, teacher will review the vocabularies about body members. In main section, after make students remember the vocabulary studenst will be given the song script. Teacher will ask students the new word and clear the meaning. After that teacher will play the vidio twice students and teacher will sing and dance together.  Dancing will make students easier to remember the new vocabularies.

6.      Board Game Media
Description: C:\Users\User\Pictures\l.png
School                        : Junior High School
Subject                       : English
Allocation Time          : 50  minutes
Grade/Semester         : IX
Themes                        : Discribing the building by WOW board game
Standard Competency   : Students will be able to speak by discribing the building
Teaching media             : WOW board game
Teaching – Studying activities :
This media is used at main activity. On the opening stage, the teacher review about the last matery which learn about “Building”. In main section, first, teacher will separate students in three or four group. Then, give the rule of WOW game. The rule are: a) a group consist of ten member, ten member will be devide to A or B sub group. b) Before attach W or O on the table of board game, one of students who a member from A or B should incite and the winner may start first. c) One of group members which start first should describe the word provided (about building) and the rest of member should answer it in 5 second. d) After first group attach W or O, the other group should continue as their rival group before. e) If the group find “WOW” on vertical, horizontal or accross, the finder should make a line on the “WOW”. After that put one score for a group who can find “WOW”. Teacher provided the qoestion that should be discribe as many as total table.

7.      Technology Media

Description: C:\Users\User\Pictures\ll.png

Allocation Time          : 30 minutes
Grade/Semester         : XI
Themes                       : speaking by vidio call about Ramadhan condition in Australia with the speaker is native english
Standard Competency   : Students will be able to speak with native english speaker
Teaching media             : skype (vidio call)
Teaching – Studying activities :
This media is used at main activity. However, teacher should give warming up first. On the opening stage, the teacher will tell students about the topic that they want to talk  by skype and also explain abit about media that they will use. In main section, first, teacher will link the laptop with infocus, and it media also need internet, so when the media is ready teacher will call the speaker and when it is connected teacher speak first to the native then she will let the speaker and students interact. As usual who want to speak should rise the right hand first. After that, teacher will give questions to students related with the topic that have been talked.
