The Role of Reciting Al-Quran on Solving psychological problem in Speaking English Performance of PBI Islamic State of Ar-Raniry university Students
English as international language is very important in this era. Especially
for speaking, people cannot be said as know English language without speaking
ability. However many students of islamic
state Ar-Raniry university have difficulties
in speaking activity and most of them cannot speak because of psychological factors truly
affects negatively the students’ English speaking performance. One of ways that
can help them to solve their problem is by receting
Quran. So, the aim of this study is to find out
whether reciting Quran activity has a role to solve
students’ psychological problem in speaking English or does not have a role to solve students’
psychological problem in speaking English and to find out the students’
perception about reciting Quran has a role to solve students’
psychological problem in speaking English
or does not have a role to solve students’ psychological problem in
speaking English. The way to determine the sample in a population of this study is by purposive sampling with choose
some students who have a set of various traits
or character specifically
from the population. In getting and collecting the data the
writer used open questionnaire technique which enable the
respondent to give alternative answer or opinion out of the answer.
B. Background of Study
English becomes the most essential language in the
world. Almost all of people from many different countries around the world use
it to communicate. People who know a language are referred to as “speakers” of that language therefore speaking
seems to be the most important skills of all the four skills (listening, speaking, reading and
writing), as according to David, In the international
relationship, English speaking ability is very important to be able to
participate in the wider world of work. The speaking skill is measured in terms
of the ability to carry out a conversation in the language” (David, 2001 : 89).
However, Based on oral test which was given on
13 januari 2017 to students of Ar-Raniry university showed that many of
them have difficulties in speaking activity and most of them cannot speak
because of psychological factor truly affects
negatively the students’
English speaking performance. Although most of the students think
that they have good level of English vocabulary and grammar, they are insecure
while speaking English. Most of the problems were (1) Cannot be focus on the speaker in communication (2) stress
when facing the bad feedback in communication (3)
emotion when speaking.
One of ways that can solve their problem
is by reciting Al-Quran. According to Very Julianto and Magda Bhinnety Etsem (2011,
P.20) receting Al-Quran effect the short-term memory. It is about: stress,
attention and emotion.
The direct impact of stress on memory is
the spreading of attention to the new information. Reading the Quran
can lower one's stress level because Quran gives calmness (Hawari 1997).
According to Ashby, Isen & Tuken (1999) in real life, the ability of
someone's memory disrupted because of distracted. Read Al-Quran can influence
the focus of attention. Someone that read Quran requires a process that more
complex than with read regular reading books. In read Quran, someone must concentrate
and focus on What that be read. Starting from view alphabet, punctuation and long
or short (harokat), must be considered carefully. This matter can make someone can
focus more on attention and concentrate. Attention itself can be affected by
many things (Matlin, 1998). False one thing that affects attention is a factor
of one's emotions. Hawari (1997) states that the verses of the Quran many contains
the guidance for human in their life of
this world free from anxiety, tension, and depression.
For these reasons, the writer is interested in
analyzing the effect of reciting Al-Quran toward psychological problem in Speaking English Performance of PBI islamic state Ar-Raniry university
Students. Therefore, this study has been entitle “The Role of Reciting Al-Quran on Solving Psychological Problem in Speaking English Performance of PBI Islamic State
Ar-Raniry University Students”
C. Research question
1.) Is reciting Al-Quran
activity has a role to solve students’ psychological problem in speaking English?
2.) What is students’ perception about reciting Al-Quran activity?
Ha: Reciting
Al-Quran activity has a role to solve
students’ psychological problem in speaking
Ho: Reciting
Al-Quran activity does not have a role to solve students’ psychological problem in speaking English
E. Significance of study
1.) It is good for the teacher, if students often recite
the Quran in speaking therefore their psychological problems will be solved. So
that, they will be easier to speak which is essential in a process of teaching
and learning in speaking class. If the students are able to speak well then
learning process also will be more effective.
For students. It is good
for them because if students often recite the Quran in speaking therefore their
psychological problems will be solved. They will be easier to speak, they also
will be easier to pull out their opinion when studying in class speaking and be
able to respond to the lecturer or class mate.
The last is for the
campus. It is beneficial for islamic state
university of Ar-Raniry Because we know by reciting Quran the sudents will speak well and beside
that they are automatically will often to interact with Quran therefore make
them be pious. It relate with first point of the campus vision; gave birth to scholars who have academic ability, vocational competitive,
future-oriented and noble character.
The aim of study
The main purpose
of this study are:
1.) To
find out whether reciting Al-Quran activity has a role to solve
students’ psychological problem in speaking English or cannot solve students’
psychological problem in speaking English
2.) To
find out the students’ perception about reciting
Al-Quran does not have a role to solve
students’ psychological problem in speaking English.
F. Literature Review
1.) Effect
of reciting the Qur'an
Qur’an has relation with psychological of human. It works on human memory
therefore will effect to the human speaking. According to Very Julianto
and Magda Bhinnety Etsem, there are some processes and areas of the
brain are involved when people read the Quran and its relationship with
short-term memory, among others:

Visualization. Areas involved in the process of reading the Quran
visualization, among others in the primary visual area (area 17) and visual
association areas (area 18 and area 19) in the occipital lobe. In reading the
Quran, one must concentrate and focus on what is read. Starting from seeing the
letters, punctuation and short length, must be considered carefully. It can
make a person can focus on attention and concentration.
Areas involved in the process of hearing the reading of the Quran, among others in the area of primary auditory areas (areas 41 and
42) and the auditory association area (area 22) located in the temporal lobe.
Research from Abdurrohman (2007) showed that listening murotal Koran can
promote calmness. This is evident from a significant increase in delta waves.
Aspects of Language.
At the time of reading with the sound,
active area is the area Brocha (areas 44 and 45) and Wernicke's area. Saifuddin
(1983) stated in the Qoran there is the beauty of
language, accuracy, and balance, with a depth of meaning, richness and
accuracy, ease of understanding, and the power of the resulting impression.
More complex cognitive functions.
This process occurs in the prefrontal cortex (CPF). When reading the
Quran accompanied by understanding the meaning of it will lead to
interpretations and thoughts of the verse being read.
Aspects of the deity is still a mystery to the world of neuroscience. But
some scientists believe that there are areas that are involved when humans relate
to his god. There is an area that is believed to be the point of god (God Spot)
in a human being that is in the parietal and temporal area (Zohar and Marshall,
2000; Pasiak, 2003).
In conclusion, when Quran
effects human brain that means Quran will effects psychological human in
G. Research Methodology
Research design
Subjects in this study
amounted four female students PBI of Islamic state Ar-Raniry University. The writer
choose the subject of research by using purposive
sampling technique. The way to determine the sample in a population
is by purposive sampling with choose
some students which the writer want who has a set of various traits that are character specifically
from the population. Criteria subject which
is in the population is women; women who was just migrated (in the past she rare to recite the Quran, now often recite the Quran), PBI students in Ar-Raniry university, has an psychological disorder background in speaking.
Research Instrument
To know the effectiveness of
reciting AL-Quran for solve students’ psychological problem, the writer
interviews the four students which were chosen. The questionnaire consists
of four questions.
3.) Data
Percentage answer
1. Do
you agree, if one of problems in English speaking now day is many students that have good level of English vocabulary and grammar
to speak but cannot speak because of
cannot focus on speaker, cannot control emotion or cannot be calm to face bad
feedback in communication, therefore cannot speak anything?
100 %
2. Your
emotion will be stable when you often to recite Al-qur’an?
100 %
3. Your
attention will not be spreaded if you often recite Al-qur’an?
100 %
4. You
will be calm when you face bad feedback in communication?
100 %
ü For
first question, they are agree, if one of problems in English speaking now day
is many students that have good level of English
vocabulary and grammar to speak but
cannot speak because of cannot focus on speaker, cannot control emotion or
cannot be calm to face bad
feedback in communication, therefore cannot speak anything
ü For
second question, their emotion will be stable when they often to recite Al-qur’an.
ü For
third question, they are agree that their attention will not be spreaded when
they often recite Al-qur’an.
ü The
last is fourth question, they are agree that they will be calm when they face
bad feedback in communication.
From data above we know that, all of respondents are
agree that psychological is one of
students’ problems in speaking and they are also agree that Al-qur’an
can solve their psychological problems in speaking.
4.) Data
Collection and
this study, the writer need the data from the students and want to know all of
information connected with the problem. In getting and collecting the data the
writer used open questionnaires technique which enable the
respondent to give alternative answer or opinion out of the answer.
5.) Population
and sample
The population of this study is all of PBI Islamic State Ar-Raniry university students. The sample is four students which the writer want who has a set of various traits that are character specifically
from the population. Criteria subject which
is in the population is women; women who was just migrated (in the past she rare to recite the Qur’an, now
often recite the Quran), PBI students in
Ar-Raniry university, has a
background psychological disorder in speaking.
H. Result and Discussion
students who have been given the questions totally agree if Quran activity can solve students’ psychological
problem in speaking English
ü For
first question, they are agree, if one of problems in English speaking now day
is many students that have good level of English vocabulary
and grammar to speak but cannot
speak because of cannot focus on speaker, cannot control emotion or cannot be calm to face bad
feedback in communication, therefore cannot speak anything.
ü For
second question, their emotion will be stable when they often to recite Al-Quran.
ü For
third question, they are agree that their attention will not be spreaded when
they often recite Al-qur’an.
ü The
last is fourth question, they are agree that they will be calm when they face
bad feedback in communication.
Actually, the problem comes because of
their psychology factors which can effect their memory and it has consequences
on students’ speaking performance. So that, Quran is the best solution because:
a. Quran has a role to lower one's stress level because Qur'an gives calmness (Hawari
In read
Quran, someone must concentrate and focus on What that be read. Starting from
view alphabet, punctuation and long or short (harokat), must be considered
carefully. This matter can make someone can focus more on attention and concentrate.
Attention itself can be affected by many things (Matlin, 1998).
verses of
the Qur’an many contains the guidance for human in their life of this world
free from anxiety, tension, and depression.
In this
fast communicative world, communicative competence is very important.
Espesially for PBI islamic state Ar-Raniry university
Students. However, speaking English still becomes problem for them. One of
reasons why they cannot to speak not only about lack of vocabulary or lack of
grammar ability, but it because of their psychology. One of good solution to
solve their problem is by reciting Quran.
Quran is good base on many theoris, it also proved from
the answer of respondents. They feel that Quran can solve their problems in
speaking, they become easier to speak after often to recite Quran.
F.G., Isen, M. & Turken, A. (1999). A
neuropsychological theory of positive affect and its influence on cognition.
Psychological review
Brown, David. (2007). Teaching by Principles. New
York: Longman
Very and Magda Bhinnety Etsem. (2011). The
Effect of Reciting Holy Qur’an toward Short-term Memory Ability Analysed
trought the Changing Brain Wave. Jakarta.
Hawari, D.
(1997). Do’a dan dzikir. Jakarta: Dana Bakti Primayasa.
M.W. (1998). Cognition, 4th edition. Texas: Harcout Brace College Publisher
Fort Worth.
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