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As social beings, we always need friends, friends are an important figure in life. Even the Messenger of Allah said that "a believer is a reflection of his believer's brother". Therefore, it is very important for us to have a good friend and be a righteous friend.
having friends who pious is very pleasant and soothing. Pious friend that is when close to them always reminds us to God. The way they talk are polite, humble, like giving, not easily to be  angry, strengthen, pray for us and Insyaallah might be a helper in the next life, as Imam Hasan al-Bashri advises "have friends with people who pious. Because they have intercession on the day of apocalypse. "
When I was in school at MAN 1 Meulaboh we had a nasyid group called "PADISPERAL" (Para gadis perindu Rasul)). I feel lucky to be one of PADISPERAL, they are nasyid friends who shalihah, smart and cool, plus a nasyid teacher who shalihah and like to motivate us. She created a nasyid song entitled "Teman (Friend)". We love that song, the song is livel when we sung, the lyrics are very good. like this
Ajariku berjuang
Hadapi jalan hidup panjang
Dengan kesabaran
Ajariku kesabaran
Terima segala ketentuan dari Rabb yang Rahman
Rangkullah diriku bila terjatuh
Angkatlah diriku bila tersungkur
Ingatkan diriku bila terlupa
Ajari sukmaku tuk berakhlak mulia
Semangati jiwa ini bila mulai lunglai
Sirami sanubari jika layu terkulai
Jangan biarkan diriku terbuang..
Dari jalan yang Allah tunjjukkan
Teman ajariku berjuang
Teman ajariku kesabaran
Teman ajarku keihklasan
Teman ajariku keredhaan
There are two stanzas that I have forgotten, but more or less that was the lyrics of the song. When we were in school, we had a lot of activities and school task, I often sing it to my pious friend and usually if friends of nasyid hear me singing for my friend, they must join singing. There were accompanying me with the voice acapela "kecengket" "huu huu" there is a direct high voice, also there is a very low voice. We like to do that because we do not want each other to give up, we want to strengthen each other. After that we will hug and continue the activity.

Being happy at that time, now we are busy with the our world, hopefully we can do nasyid again at the right moment later. Because without one of us, PADISPERAL will not be complete, and most importantly having a shalihah friend like you is the most beautiful gift from God. J
