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Report of Instructional Media for English Subject at First Grade in SD TNA Fatih Bilingual School

A. Media used
Based on the interview that conducted with Ms. Nurhasanah, S.Pd. On 4 May 2017 in order to visit Fatih Bilingual School with the aim of seeing the medium of learning English writer knew that the media used when teaching vacation vocabularies with the theme "Go to the Beach" are flashcards and CD. Both of these media were the media of a book entitled "Super Minds American English" which it has provided in school to teach by teachers.
This book is very interesting, children are very fun with the media which are used from the book, especially CD. Flashcards are also not less interesting." Ms. Nurhasanah said about this media when writer ask her about her opinion toward this media.
The CD provided from this book is very good with animated stories, interactive games and lively song activities with karoke versions. Also with the flashcards used, vocabularies, pictures and paper quality are very good.

B. Use of media
As usual, teacher divides 3 stages of teaching-learning process in the class; opening activity, main activity and closing activity.
At the opening activity stage, teacher used Flashcards and CD as media. Teacher uses flashcards to review previous learning about vacation "Go to the Beach". The use are, first, the teacher showed the picture and asked the vocab or opposite way. For CD, teacher played song about vacation "Go to the Beach" by using another media;  infocus media. The teacher setted the song with karoke setting, so the children can sing it together.
In the main activity stage, teachers used CD as well as media. From this CD, the teacher provided an interactive story, the students must listen well afterwards they would recount the story while still showing the video.
At the closing stage, the teacher provided game by using the CD. The game was also very interactive. Students took turns forward to the front of the class they were asked to point to the picture that the computer commanded. This helps them greatly in remembering the vocabularies.

C. The benefits of media
  • ·         Developing creativity with visualization exercises, art activities
  • ·         Exploring social values ​​with lively stories.
  • ·         Encouraging cross-curricular thinking with fascinating "English for School" sections.
