In this TED video, she explains how “through her art, she discovered similarities between American Sign Language and music, and she realized that sound doesn’t have to be known solely through the ears, it can be felt, seen and experienced as an idea.” She share a little bit about the history of American Sign Language, ASL, plus a bit of her own background. French sign language was brought to America during the early 1800s, and as time went by, mixed with local signs, it evolved into the language we know today as ASL. So it has a history of about 200 years. She was born deaf, and she was taught to believe that sound wasn't a part of her life. As a Deaf person living in a world of sound, it's as if she was living in a foreign country, blindly following its rules, customs, behaviors and norms without ever questioning them. She learn and mirror that behavior. At the same time, she has learned that ...